Providing safe and wholesome local food products to the Flathead Valley

While promoting the sustainability of Montana farmers, ranchers, and makers for the next generation.

Our Story

Production agriculture runs deep in our blood and we love educating those who did not grow up in or around this lifestyle. When you come into The Rancher’s Daughter, you are not just buying a package of ground beef or a carton of fresh eggs. You are supporting your local farmers and ranchers who pride themselves on providing food for your family, and families across the state and nation. 

When it comes to feeding your family, we know how important it is to fully understand where your food comes from. We can assure you that the products that we provide are proven safe, but also know the quality will never waver.

If you have been wondering how you can buy locally you have come to the right place. We have taken the time to find partners who we know and trust to deliver you the very best products. 

As we stated before we are very passionate about education surrounding the agriculture community. When you come to our store we hope that you will ask us about our partners who are providing you with safe and quality products. We will be able to tell you their story and background, you can get a sense of who they are and why they are choosing to carry products at The Rancher’s Daughter.

Meet Faces Behind the Rancher’s Daughter

Karoline Rose

Grayson Cottrell

Agvocates | Marketing Gurus | Montanans

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